Global Imagery & Elevation Basemaps (Mosaics)

Satellite imagery and elevation shaded relief are arguably the most popular basemaps. Large-sized and easy-to-use mosaics are prepared using popular Landsat imagery and SRTM elevation. Each mosaic containing trillions of pixels provides new opportunities for fast mapping integration and visualisation.

The mosaic at 30m resolution is 1,000 more detailed than that at 1km resolution. One would be surprised to find out how easy, effective and productive it is to use the assiduously-prepared global / near-global mosaics (close to 1,000,000 X 1,000,000 pixels) in modern GIS operations. Expect the change and progress by orders of magnitude (in terms of computing time, quality improvement, data size, cost decrease and so on) and take the opportunity.

Mosaics Available

Uniquely-processed mosaics at 30m-resolution and in various styles are being offered.

Each imagery and elevation mosaic / basemap: image size 1,296,000 x 648,000 pixels; in popular, easy-to-use and GIS-ready JPEG2000 format (each compressed from 2.29 terabytes of data in raw binary)

Global Elevation Data Evaluation and Basemaps

More information – link

Other Unique Basemaps (for Contiguous U.S. – 48 States)

Processed 1m-resolution, 2015/2014/2013 U.S. aerial imagery basemaps – link
(from ~180 terabytes of raw imagery data)